Learn Arabic reading, Arabic writing and Arabic speaking with these free words and sentences about sports vocabulary in Arabic. All words and sentences are spoken by real Arabic natives, this will help you learn correct pronunciation.
تعلم القراءة العربية والكتابة العربية والتحدث باللغة العربية بهذه الكلمات والجمل المجانية حول مفردات الرياضة باللغة العربية. يتم نطق جميع الكلمات والجمل من قبل مواطنين عرب حقيقيين، وهذا سيساعدك على تعلم النطق الصحيح
Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or just starting to learn about sports in Arabic, understanding sports-related vocabulary is essential for discussing your favorite activities and following sports events. Our interactive course presentation introduces you to various sports terms with images and audio pronunciations by native speakers. Click on the audio icons to listen and repeat, and practice using these terms in your sports conversations. Share in the comments your favorite sports and how this course has helped you in your Arabic studies!
Transliterations and examples:
- رياضة (Riyāḍah) – Sport
- كرة القدم (Kurat al-Qadam) – Soccer (Football)
- سلة (Sallah) – Basketball
- سباحة (Sabāḥah) – Swimming
- تنس (Tennis) – Tennis
- كرة الطائرة (Kurat al-Ṭā’irah) – Volleyball
- ركض (Rakaḍ) – Running
- مباراة (Mubārāh) – Match
- فريق (Farīq) – Team
- مدرب (Mudarib) – Coach
- لاعب (Lāʿib) – Player
- ملعب (Malʿab) – Stadium
- تدريب (Tadrīb) – Training
- بطولة (Buṭūlah) – Championship
- نتيجة (Nateejah) – Score
- تحكيم (Taḥkīm) – Refereeing

If you want to find out the transliteration of any Arabic word, you can use our Arabic Transliteration tool. Type or paste your Arabic text to get the Latin Transliterated script, and hear it by our Arabic text to speech online tool. This Arabic transliteration tool has been developed to help English speakers get the Transliteration script of Arabic speech with the highest accuracy.