The Best way to learn Arabic

the best way to learn arabic

Reading and writing the words of the Arabic language is one of the main things that you must learn in order to be proficient in it.  There is a set of rules that you must follow in order to learn to read and write in Arabic.

In this article, we will know together very important rules and methods for learning the Arabic language.

What are the most significant rules in learning Arabic?

  •   Memorizing the letters of the Arabic language in full, reading and writing, as they are the significant foundation for learning words, and upon which any language depends.
  •  Distinguish the vowels found in the letters of the Arabic language, and the letters of the extension, and the differentiation between the letters of the extension and the Diacritical Marks; It helps to read and write the word in the correct way.
  • Learn to read each letter of the letters with Diacritical Marks.
  • Know the difference between the noon Sakinah and the Tanween.
  •  Know the difference between the pronunciation of Lam Shamsiya and Lam Qamariya , and the words that contain both of them.
  •  Knowing the forms of writing the letter in the beginning of the word and at the end and in the middle.
  • Know the rules of pronunciation and writing Hamzat Al Wasl and Al Kata, and practice them.
  •  Choose texts containing 100 words at the beginning, write them and memorize them.  Then write texts containing more words.
  •  Reading and writing are linked in a very strong way, the better ability to read, the greater the ability to write, and vice versa.
  •  Talk to friends via social media by typing in Standard Arabic.

Your first steps to learn Arabic:

  • You must first learn all the letters of the Arabic language and read them correctly.
  •  Writing and reading the three letters of the (mad).
  •  The three movements distinguish (Diacritical Marks) the Fathah, Damma, and Kasra.
  •  Writing the 28 letters of the Arabic language with the letters of the extension.
  •  Writing the three Arabic letters with each of the movements individually.
  •  Verbs and nouns must be recognized in Arabic. 
  •  Knowing the difference between the present tense, the past tense, the imperative, and the way some sentences are expressed.
  • Try writing the sentences yourself, and name them frequently.
  • Read a lot of stories in various fields, and start with children’s stories.  Where the language is easy and simple.
  •  Read the news that is shown on television, and read the advertisements in the streets written in Arabic.
  •  Watching the foundation programs in the Arabic language via YouTube, TV.
  •  You can also read the verses of the Qur’an from the electronic Qur’an, or watch the  Qur’an channels on TV.

These are the most important ways to help you learn the Arabic language well.  And remember, try to make a sentence by yourself; Because this will increase your confidence as a learner.

Finally, do not neglect to learn Arabic grammar because learning grammar is very essential in the Arabic language.

We hope you have a great time learning Arabic 🙂

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